Las mejores soluciones para perros y gatos con alergias

The best solutions for dogs and cats with allergies

Although the organism of our furry friends is normally quite resistant, both dogs and cats can suffer from allergies. In addition, there are microorganisms such as mites, bacteria and viruses that can damage their health, to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, let's see what are the best solutions you can adopt to improve the daily life of your cat with allergies, also applicable if it is an allergic dog.

What are allergies in dogs and cats?

An allergy is an abnormal reaction of the immune system of an organism, which results in an abnormal or disproportionate response to apparently normal environmental stimuli.

In other words, all people (and therefore also dogs and cats) are exposed to microorganisms floating in the air or residing on certain surfaces, and we come into contact with foods or substances that, under normal conditions, should not pose any risk to health.

However, what happens when the immune system overreacts to one of these normal stimuli? Well, health can be severely compromised. From mild allergic reactions (manifested in redness or skin rashes) to inflammation of the glottis and anaphylactic shock, which can lead to death.

Allergies in dogs

Allergy in dogs usually manifests itself in visible symptoms such as itching of the face, ears, armpits, groin and around the anus. A dog with a mild allergy will lick and scratch very frequently in these areas, even to the point of scratching or biting. These symptoms are usually caused by coming into contact with mites or bacteria that damage the animal's skin.

However, there is a worse allergy in dogs, and it is food allergy. When our best friend ingests certain proteins present in certain foods, he could suffer real crises in his organism, and then his life will be in danger. In this case, veterinary evaluation will be the best ally to prevent potentially dangerous situations for his health.

Allergies in cats

Similarly, cats can present food allergies, although their organism is usually quite prepared to process practically everything they ingest, we recommend that they avoid eating beef, as well as (although it sounds surprising) certain proteins present in fish and dairy products.

Once we are aware of the possible food source of an allergy, it remains to look at the cat's environment. Dust mites are common culprits of atopic dermatitis in cats, and even hair loss, and they are everywhere, at least on the surfaces they like to be on (carpets, newspaper, surfaces filled with wool or feathers...).

How to improve the daily life of a dog or cat with allergies

A preliminary study of their diet

The vast majority of cases of food allergy are only discovered once the food has been ingested and the abnormal reaction of the organism has been observed. If the consequences of the reaction are mild, it will be sufficient to study the dog's or cat's diet and gradually eliminate foods until the "culprit" is found.

However, it is very important to consult with the veterinarian to develop a preventive study adapted to our pet in particular, since other foods besides beef, fish and dairy products (pork, wheat, corn, soy...) can cause very severe allergic reactions.

A protective mattress instead of a carpet

Carpets are often real "breeding grounds" for dust mites. If your cat or dog is allergic to dust mites, it will be unnecessarily exposed to them if it sleeps on the carpet. The solution is to provide a mattress that protects them from these small organisms.

Specifically, the balukaDREAM model that we developed in Baluka is one of the best mattresses for dogs with allergies. The fabric that covers it is able to prevent the animal from the consequences of coming into contact with the mentioned microorganisms. It limits the reproduction capacity of bacteria and protects the entry of viruses through the animal's skin, by acting on its lipid barrier.

Careful hygiene

In addition to the mattress factor, it is highly recommended to vacuum the entire house frequently to prevent mite populations from flourishing, and to regularly disinfect all surfaces to prevent the proliferation of bacteria or viruses.

As for our pet, we recommend that you brush it regularly to remove dead hair and flaking of the skin, and avoid (as far as possible) contact with textile surfaces (cloth, cotton).

As with people, allergies in dogs and cats can manifest themselves in mild (but annoying) symptoms and in much more severe ones. The best solution to facilitate the daily life of cats and dogs with allergies is to keep them away from surfaces where potentially dangerous microorganisms can accumulate, and to determine with veterinary support what they can and cannot eat.