¿Cómo hacer que mi perro vomite?

How to make a dog vomit? Guide to know how to act

Dogs are naturally greedy animals; they do not hesitate for a second to put any substance in their mouths to identify its taste. But this gluttonous appetite can also be a source of problems when they ingest substances that are toxic to them or are not even food for us.

If we suspect that our furry friend has done one of his tricks and has eaten something he shouldn't have, the first thing to do is to call the veterinarian. But, if it is not possible to contact him, we have to evaluate the situation to determine whether we should make our dog vomit or not, and thus gain time until we can talk to the vet or travel to the clinic with our four-legged friend.

When should we NOT make our furry companion vomit?

There are cases in which we should not make our dog vomit, since, if we do so, the remedy may be worse than the disease. These cases are the following.

  • If he swallows a sharp, pointed, sharp or large object. Objects of this type could cause damage to the digestive tract, such as cuts, tears and internal bleeding.
  • If you have symptoms such as excessive salivation, convulsions, altered breathing or swallowing problems, or if you are unconscious.
  • If we do not know what substance has been swallowed. When in doubt, it is best to go directly to the veterinarian, or when we suspect that it has ingested petroleum derivatives, corrosive or surfactant substances.
  • If more than two hours have passed since the ingestion. After that time, it is more than likely that the toxic substance is already in the bloodstream, so it does not make sense to make him vomit.
  • If our dog has vomited alone.

Métodos para hacer que tu perro vomite

Home remedies to make our dog vomit

If none of the above cases occurs, then we must act to incite him to vomit. The following methods are not "harmless" for our furry dog, so after applying them we should always take him to the vet for a follow-up of his condition.

With hydrogen peroxide

The hydrogen peroxide is a common disinfectant in the medicine cabinet at home, so we will have it at hand. We should use 3% hydrogen peroxide, about 2 ml per kilo that our furry friend weighs (for example, if he weighs 5 kg, we will give him a dose of 5-10 ml of hydrogen peroxide).

To make him swallow it, we can pour it into the drinking fountain or, if he refuses to drink, use a syringe and apply the hydrogen peroxide directly into his mouth. If 10-15 minutes pass and the dog still does not vomit, we should repeat the process reducing the dose by half.

With water and salt

If we do not have hydrogen peroxide, another way to make our dog vomit is with a mixture of water and salt. In a glass with water, we will add between 1 and 3 teaspoons of salt, and we will apply the mixture in the mouth with a syringe.

We will know if one of these methods has taken effect if, after 10 minutes at the most, we see that our furry friend begins to salivate, has nausea or abdominal contractions.

As we said before, these methods can cause problems such as gastritis or intoxication, so, after getting him to vomit, we must go to the veterinarian with him for evaluation.

Not recommended ways to provoke vomiting

In spite of the damage that the two methods mentioned above cause, they are the most indicated to make our dog vomit. Apart from these, there are other "methods" widespread in the common imagination of dog parents, but they are either not effective or not recommended.

  • With oil: oil is recommended for dogs with mild symptoms of constipation, since it has the capacity to mobilize the intestinal transit. However, it is not an emetic product, i.e. with vomiting effects.
  • With milk: older dogs stop digesting lactose, which remains in the intestine and accelerates the transit. In other words, it is also a substance that causes diarrhea in dogs, but not vomiting.
  • Introducing the fingers in the throat: with the stress and fear that our dog has ingested something toxic, the first thing that comes to our mind is to introduce the fingers in the throat. This maneuver causes vomiting in people, but it is not recommended for dogs. Nor for their parents, since we can get a bite in an act of self-defense on their part.

Formas caseras de hacer vomitar a un perro

What substances are toxic for dogs?

In our article on toxic foods for dogs we talked about the main products or substances that our furry ones cannot eat. Among them are chocolate, grapes, raisins, garlic, onions, avocado, xylitol (sweetener), caffeine and alcohol.

If our dog ingests any of them in considerable quantities, we should induce vomiting immediately, using hydrogen peroxide or salt, and contacting the veterinarian immediately.

As always, the best remedy is prevention, so we must be attentive and keep away from our little (or big) glutton those substances that, no matter how succulent they may seem to him, he should never put in his mouth.

In Baluka we know that inciting our dog to vomit is giving him a hard time. But let's not forget that it is a minor evil that, depending on the substance and the amount ingested, can save his life.