¿Por qué los perros tienen mal aliento?

My dog has bad breath: what is the cause and how do I get rid of it?

Those of us who are dog parents know that the best moment of the day is when we come home after a long day and our little (or big) dog pounces on us, jumps on us like a madman and licks us, eager to be petted and played with.

But that moment, especially the part where he licks us, may not be so pleasant if our dog suffers from bad breath... The causes of canine halitosis are various, ranging from insufficient oral hygiene to the appearance of certain diseases that affect our furry's breath.

Is it normal for dogs to have bad breath?

As with the myth that furry dogs can eat anything, when there are foods that are forbidden for dogs, NO, persistent bad breath in dogs is not something natural, so we must find the source of the problem and solve it as soon as possible. But what can be the causes of bad breath in dogs?

Causes of bad breath in dogs

Poor oral hygiene

Just as parents do, our furry dogs must also maintain proper oral hygiene. If this is not the case, the food debris left in his mouth fills with bacteria that decompose them, releasing certain components that cause bad breath.

Likewise, if you have poor oral hygiene, you could end up suffering from gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums caused by the accumulation of bacterial plaque in them. If gingivitis worsens, it can lead to periodontitis, a loss of bone material that ends with tooth loss.

Bad eating habits

The oral health of our furry friend is closely related to his diet. There are certain foods that favor the proliferation of the bacteria we mentioned before, as they leave more residues in the mouth. Thus, if you detect halitosis problems in your dog, changing his diet could be the solution.

Perro con mal aliento con la boca abierta

Consumption of bad food

We continue relating the possible reasons for canine halitosis, this time, with spoiled food.

We already know that these children are swallowers by nature, and they seldom disgust anything that smells like "food". Thus, ingesting rotten food, their own vomit, garbage and even feces from other dogs is quite frequent if we are not attentive or we have not educated them correctly.

It goes without saying that our dog will suffer breath problems after consuming this type of "food", which, in many cases, will be accompanied by vomiting.


Age is a factor that can affect our dog's breath, since it is more common for them to suffer from dental problems that cause halitosis: tartar, gingivitis, periodontitis...


In addition to gingivitis and periodontitis, there are other "less visible" but much more serious diseases that cause bad breath in our dog, for example, hepatitis, cirrhosis and renal failure. This also includes infections in the digestive tract, from the mouth to the intestine.

Pay special attention if your dog has a fruity breath: although it is not an unpleasant odor, it could be a symptom of canine diabetes.

How to eliminate bad breath in our dog?

1. Brush his teeth

Although most dogs do not like to have their teeth brushed, it is essential to maintain their oral health. If he refuses daily brushing, you should do it at least once a week, using the right toothbrush and toothpaste for him.

2. Take care of his diet

A healthy and balanced diet will prevent canine halitosis. To do this, avoid sugary and high-fat foods, and educate him not to eat rotten food or things that are not food.

3. Give him toys that encourage chewing

These types of toys, such as teethers, encourage chewing and saliva production, the first defense against bacteria that build up in the mouth and cause bad breath.

Perro con mordedor anti mal aliento

4. See a veterinarian

If your dog enjoys good oral hygiene and a healthy diet, but still suffers from bad breath, take him to the vet. Nobody better than a professional to detect and treat the (serious) diseases that cause halitosis.

At Baluka, we want your furry friend to be as healthy and fit as you are: we want both legs to have a great quality of life.

To offer it to him, it is not only important to feed and exercise, but also to provide him with the right rest in a viscoelastic bed designed for him. One that adapts to his body, that keeps away dirt, stains, bacteria and bone and joint problems.

In short, a bed in which he will feel like a furry king, to enjoy for many, many years of that best moment of the day.

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